
Showing posts from September, 2011

Одна семья!

Adna Simya! One Family! Praise the Lord! Kathryn, Clayton, and Kevin came home with us tonight from the orphanage, and are now are permanent members of the Chris and Lisa Booher Family! There are still lots of documents, passports, visas, etc. to finish up, but we will live together as a family from now on, and before we know it we'll be home. It's been a long journey, but I believe that it's been one of the greatest experiences of my life, and I know my family echoes that sentiment. We can't wait to share all the details with you all at home, we love you and miss you! See ya soon! Chris (for the Booher Bunch)

Trains, Buses, and Taxicabs!

Monday, at 10:00 PM, Lisa and I boarded a bus for Kiev. Since Lisa will possibly be leaving before all documents are finished for the adoption, she needed to sign some papers for the US embassy which are necessary to bring Kathryn, Clayton, and Kevin into the U.S. The bus ride to Kiev took almost 8 hours (about 400 kilometers), and was extremely rough in many places. Road maintenance is not a big priority here in Ukraine, as evidenced by the many potholes, broken pavement, etc., which caused the bus driver to alternate between swerving and braking, so sleep for me was not easily obtained. Lisa, on the other hand, was able to rest without much trouble, and I need to add that she did fit better between her seat and the seat-back in front of her! We rolled into Kiev about 6:00 AM, where Yuri (our translator/facilitator) met us and took us up to his beautiful apartment on the 23rd floor, which gave us a spectacular view of Kiev sprawling below us. After a real, American-style shower, (and


Previet friends, sorry, we have not posted in a while; but we just haven't had much happening with our adoption. We have been visiting with some wonderful friends here and have been attending two bible believing churches, though, and we are so excited about our new friends here. It will be difficult to say goodbye. Regarding our adoption, we are in a waiting period now and have sort of settled into a schedule with school in the mornings, lunch, naps, orphanage visit, dinner, and bed. We are looking forward to returning home and getting back to a "normal" life. (Those of you who know us well are probably chuckling about our "normal" lives.) We have one more week until we can take the kids out of the orphanage and begin our life as one family. Although Kathryn, Clayton, and Kevin are legally Boohers, there is a required 10 day waiting period which allows other family members to appeal. Although the 10 days end on Saturday, we must wait until Monday for th

News Flash!!!

The new Chris Booher Bunch!

Court Tomorrow!

It's finally here; our day in court! We will be in front of the judge at 9:30 a.m. and the children will be questioned around 10:00. The judge and the jury will be deciding tomorrow whether or not it is in the best interest of the children to be adopted by us. Please pray for wisdom and peace for us as we answer each of the judge's inquiries and for the children to be confident in their desire to become a part of our family. If all goes well, we will be posting our "new family" picture tomorrow (Wed.)! Here's an old hymn that we sing at fellowship occasionally, and I was reminded again of these comforting, encouraging words today... The mercy of God is an ocean divine, A boundless and fathomless flood; Launch out in the deep, cut away the shore line, And be lost in the fullness of God. Refrain: Launch out, into the deep, Oh, let the shore line go; Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine, Out where the ful

Zheltye Vody, Ukraine

Hannah, Samara, and Eliana take a breather...

Sunday, Sept. 4th Zhelty Vody, Ukraine

Hello Family! We just came from a wonderful church service here in ZV, Ukraine. The pastor taught on the priesthood of the believer, and how Jesus is our high priest, using Hebrews chapters 1, 8, and 9. Of course it was all in Russian, but Sveta, who's husband Pasha is a super keyboard player, composer, and arranger, sat behind us and interpreted the teaching for Lisa and I. They invited us up to share and sing a couple of songs, so we said a few words about why we were here in ZV (with Sveta interpreting) and then sang, "Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying," and our "Create in Me/He Touched Me medley." Then the whole church prayed for us, and told us they were going to be having a prayer meeting the same time we would be in court on Wednesday, and that they would be praying for us. It was difficult to hold back tears as we felt their warm sincerity, and we realize again that God, who created all things for His praise and glory, hears the